Make space for what matters ... you!

Many women get to midlife only to find themselves feeling as if something is missing. Oftentimes, that something is them—their true self that lies beneath the layers of expectations, obligations, and conditioning imposed by others.

That was true for me until I started making space to hear the whispers of my inner wisdom. When I connected with my soul in this way, I was able to begin returning to my true self.

It’s my journey that inspired me to create resources for women who, in midlife, find themselves feeling empty, dissatisfied, lonely, and disconnected—from others but (most importantly) from themselves.

My card deck, self-paced programs, blog, and podcast offer practical insights, inspiration, and invitations to help you create the space you need to connect with your soul and rediscover the you you’ve been missing.

Knowing yourself better creates a greater sense of peace and freedom within yourself. From this place, you’re able to live a life that reflects who you are on the inside.


Allowing prayers card deck

Knowing yourself better is essential to living a life you love. And connecting with the wisdom of your soul is the only way to know your true self. The Allowing Prayers cards help you spark a conversation with your soul and create a path of possibility toward living a life that reflects you.

Check out Season 1 of the podcast

Join me as I share stories from my own midlife experience of reclaiming my belonging after spending decades trying to fit into the life I thought I was supposed to live. Each episode offers invitations for you to reflect on your own belonging and to remember your true self.

self-paced programs

Every journey of self-discovery moves at its own rhythm. My DIY programs allow you to move at your own pace when you’re ready to reveal the next layer of your true self.



Meet Siobhan

I’m a writer, midlife mentor, and soul connection guide. But once upon a time, I wanted to be the innkeeper of my own B&B. Innkeeping appealed to my desire to serve others by creating a space where they would feel welcome and well cared for, and where they would feel both nourished and nurtured.

I discovered that what I desired to give others I yearned for myself. My journey, as it turns out, wasn’t about making space for others. It was about making space for me and reconnecting with the still, small voice inside that knows me best.

The journey is about being the innkeeper of my soul and choosing my own way of being and belonging to myself. And, in the process, finding peace and freedom in being me.


Support For Me & You

Much of what I create to support midlife women I offer for free. If you find value in my work, please consider supporting it with a donation.