My Story 

The inspiration for my business, Innkeeper of Your Soul, came from my desire to own a B&B—not once but three times. It is what led to our move to Oregon a few years ago. In time, I would learn that the dream had nothing to do with running a B&B.

Innkeeping appealed to my desire to serve others by creating a space where they would feel welcome and well cared for, and where they would feel both nourished and nurtured. The journey to be an innkeeper, though, was about so much more than the physical space. What I desired to give others, I yearned for myself. The journey, it turns out, was about being the innkeeper of my soul and tending the space within me.

My desire for owning a B&B always surfaced when I was searching for home, for where I belonged, forgetting that that place is always within me.

As a highly sensitive, empathic woman, however, it’s easy for me to forget myself when I identify my sense of belonging as something outside of me, like a job, a relationship, or a house. I lose my sense of self when I put other people’s needs, wants, and desires ahead of my own. This can lead to feelings of emptiness, discontent, loneliness, and dissatisfaction on a very deep level.

In fact, life with all its demands, obligations, and expectations was enough for me to steadily lose myself over a 10-year period. What eventually woke me up was something completely unexpected—space. When my life slowed down, I found myself with space to connect to my true self. In this space, I remembered that I matter. That I was worthy of what I wanted and deserved to live a life I loved.

What I have come to know is that creating and tending the inner space where your true self resides is essential to being the innkeeper of your soul. Without space, it’s all too easy to lose your sense of belonging and your sense of self.

The journey home to myself, of belonging to myself, isn’t always smooth but tending the space within makes all the difference. From this place, I have learned to listen to the still, quiet voice inside; to trust my intuition; and to choose my own way of being.

It’s this journey that inspires me to help other empathic and highly sensitive midlife women become the innkeepers of their souls. I help them create the space they need to know themselves better and to remember that they matter, that they are worthy of what they want, and that they deserve to live a life they love.

You can read more about my story in the following blog posts:

You can learn more about my work by clicking the button below.