

I have had a short list of ideas for new posts but writing for my blog seemed trivial and a bit self-absorbed amid the turmoil and upheaval of the past week. Listening to this morning’s Oprah/Deepak Chopra “Creating Peace from the Inside Out” meditation, Oprah mentioned the famous quote, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” 

And I thought, “This! Yes!” 

One of my core desired feelings and values is peace. Peace is my true nature, which is both an advantage and a drawback. (For those familiar with the Enneagram, I am a Type 9: The Peacemaker.) A lifetime of experience has taught me that I can’t bring peace to my world, or the world, if I’m not feeling at peace within myself. Achieving that peace is a process and one I have to work at every day. 

When I realized that being the innkeeper of my own B&B was not my destiny, I decided to focus instead on being the innkeeper of my soul. As I continue to figure out how I can put what I love and what I’m good at to use in the world, perhaps peace is a piece of that puzzle. Whether that’s helping others achieve some peace within themselves or providing a place of peace, I’m not sure.  

What I am sure of is that during periods of uncertainty within myself and the world at large, peace is where I need to start. Peace is where we all need to start, because real change can only come from a place of peace. First within ourselves and, from there, out into the world.  

My wish for all of us right now is that we find some peace for ourselves amid the current atmosphere of fear, anger, and uncertainty.