card deck

The surprising ally that helped me change my business

While I have been pretty quiet the past couple of months, there has been movement going on in the background around my business.

It all started in March when I took myself to the ER for heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and tightness in my chest. I was fine, at least physically. It wasn’t until I was lying awake in the middle of the night a few days later that the source of my symptoms became apparent to me.


Surrendering to the call and letting myself be led

My time wintering wasn’t what I expected.  I had visions of hygge-licious days filled with soft light, warm blankets, good books, puppy snuggles, and naps.

 There was some of all those things. And there was a lot of work. For sure, there were moments of joy, but the time was not entirely enjoyable. Sprinkled amidst periods of contentment were moments of grief because this time wasn’t unfolding as I had imagined.