Ring in the true

I spent a few days earlier this month going dark. No email, no social media, no books, no music, and only minimal use of my phone, which I kept on silent. 

The last month or two of 2021 had me feeling very scattered and manic energetically. Poor sleep, an overactive mind (even more so than usual), relentless hot flashes, and a recurring rash told me my nervous system needed a break. 

I wanted—I needed—some quiet to calm my system so I could once again hear the whispers of my soul. 

Although I was taking a full stop (more on that another time), I allowed myself two activities—a year-end reflection and a new practice I am calling “ring in the true.” 

I am not one for New Year’s resolutions or goal setting. As a manifestor (if you’re familiar with Human Design), it just isn’t in my nature. I can’t possibly know in January what I will do in the months ahead. 

However, after feeling so scattered, I knew I wanted to focus my energy and get some clarity. So, I turned to my Allowing Prayers card deck.

Each morning for three days, I shuffled the deck, laid my hands on top, and asked “What’s true for me this year?” Then I pulled a card from the top of the deck and spent some time journaling in response to the card’s questions.

It was a magical experience. (I know that sounds over the top but it’s true.) I got exactly the cards I needed to help me heal and move forward from some challenges around fear and self-doubt that came up for me last year. 

What I particularly loved is how the three cards (pictured below) work together in support of each other, creating a  whole. For example, everything I release reinforces loyalty to myself, which bolsters my self-worth. When I believe in my self-worth, it’s easier to be loyal to myself and release what isn’t serving me. You get the idea. Also, the cards dovetail nicely with my word for 2022—confidence.

I came away from this experience with the clarity and focus I was looking for. Perhaps best of all, though, is that I gained a greater sense of peace within myself. For me, this was a much kinder way to start the new year vs the full-steam-ahead approach encouraged by our culture. Then again, jack-rabbit starts have never been my thing. I’m much more tortoise than hare.  

Even though we’re nearing the end of January, it’s not too late for you to ring in the true. This is not a practice limited to the New Year, which is a completely arbitrary starting point anyway. Perhaps your birthday, the spring equinox, or back-to-school season feels like a more authentic new beginning for you. Whenever you feel you’re on the threshold of a new year is a good time for this practice. 

And it’s so easy. 

You can use any card deck you have. I recommend using the one that feels most potent to you at that time. You can pull as many cards as feels right to you. You can pull a card a day on consecutive days or pull them all at once. This is your time. Your practice. Do it your way.

The one recommendation I do have is to give yourself time to be with the practice. Don’t rush the process. Take time to sit with the cards so you can glean their deeper meaning and how they’re guiding you.

I made some index cards to help remind me of the messages. You could do something similar or use Post-It Notes to help focus your energy and actions.