
Wintering the soul—a season of self-love

Loving yourself should not be an afterthought, something you do after you’ve taken care of everyone else, or something you have to earn. The truth is that when you are filled up with your own love, you have more of it to give. And there’s no better time to practice the art of self-love than winter. It is the perfect season for turning inward and tending the space within.

Make yourself happy

It’s that time of year again. Holiday season. For me that used to mean cooking and baking up a storm. I loved it and looked forward to it every year. Now, eh, not so much. Somewhere along the way my relationship with cooking changed. It went from being something I did for me that made me feel special to something I felt I needed to do to be special. Cooking became my currency and contribution; it was how I provided value and proved my worth.

All you are

We often say that someone is “a good person.” But what does that mean, really? We’ve come to use “good” as a general catch-all for traits we admire or deem desirable—loyal, helpful, kind, selfless, generous, etc. Whatever your definition of good is, it has been shaped by outside influences, namely other people’s expectations and preferences.