creating space

A prayer for the passing year

Earlier this month, I spent a couple weeks participating in an online course about making space for the new year. The first week was a beautiful unfolding of letting go of the current year that included forgiveness and reconciliation as well as affirming what we were grateful for. My favorite day, though, was when we were invited to consider how we would like to say farewell to 2019.

The space of change

A few weeks ago a photo from when my husband and I moved into our new house came up as a memory on Facebook. The picture reminded me of an exchange we had last year when this anniversary rolled around. My husband commented on how many changes we had made to the house in those couple of years. I responded with how much the house had changed us. What I realize now is that the space hasn’t changed me but rather it’s the space I needed to change.

Piece by piece

I’ve written before about letting go. For me, it’s been a constant and critical part of my journey, shedding that which no longer serve me—people, places, things, and thoughts. It’s something I think about a lot because I’m continually discerning what feels authentic to my essential self. It occurred to me recently, though, that perhaps I make letting go sound like an easy thing to do. It’s not. It’s a slow, unfolding, and sometimes painful process that can take days, weeks, months, even years.