
Befriending your fear

Befriending your fear—acknowledging its existence and listening to what it has to say—is far more effective in calming your nervous system and allowing you to move forward with confidence than when you resist it, pretend it doesn’t exist, or push through it. Those strategies only fuel fear and amplify it. Ignoring your fear only succeeds in keeping you stuck where you are.

The choice is yours

People pleasing vs. integrity and authenticity. It’s an ongoing struggle, especially if you’re highly sensitive and empathic. And yet if you resist making the difficult choice, at some point, the choice will be made for you. Chances are you may not like the outcome.

The longing for enjoyment

During a recent morning meditation, there was a moment in which I experienced a deep longing for enjoyment. I don’t believe the longing was because my life is lacking in enjoyment. I think the longing was my soul’s way of nudging me to recognize the pleasure I do experience. Something I can’t know simply by thinking about it. The only way I can truly know whether something brings me pleasure is to focus on how it feels in my body. Because therein lies the truth.

Removing the mask

In one way or another, for one reason or another, we all do it. We hide. And the way many of us hide is by being busy.

It’s easy to hide behind the guise of busyness. It’s socially acceptable and in many ways it’s expected. Busy is the yardstick by which our culture measures our value and we in turn use to measure our own worth.

Let yourself be changed

On April 30, my husband and I marked our five year “Bendiversary”—the day we moved from California and became Oregon residents. The years feel like they have passed in a flash. Some days it doesn’t feel like much at all has changed in those five years. But when I stop and reflect, I can see that so much has changed—namely, me.

In your own time

This is my least favorite time of year, the transition from winter to spring. (Or “sprinter,” as I call it.) Just because the calendar says it’s spring, doesn’t make it so. I didn’t wake up the morning after the vernal equinox to find the landscape transformed—the trees fully leafed and buds all abloom.

Transition and transformation don’t work like that—in nature or in life.